Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fantasy Lover (Dark-Hunter, Book 1) - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Being trapped in a bedroom with a woman is a grand thing. Being trapped in hundreds of bedrooms over two thousand years isn't. And being cursed into a book as a love-slave for eternity can ruin even a Spartan warrior's day. As a love-slave, Julian knows everything about women. How to touch them, how to savor them, and most of all, how to pleasure them. But when he was summoned to fulfill Grace Alexander's sexual fantasies, he found the first woman in history who saw him as a man with a tormented past. She alone bothered to take him out of the bedroom and into the world. She taught Julian to love again. But Julian was not born to know love. He was cursed to walk eternity alone. As a general, he had long ago accepted his sentence. Yet now Julian has found Grace-- the one thing his wounded heart could not survive without. Sure, love can heal all wounds, but can it break a two-thousand-year-old curse? Hmmm...HOT!!! This book was great! Wena told me about the Dark Hunter Series and I was TOTALLY up for it from the start! I L-O-V-E reading different kinds of books and paranormal is a great break in between contep romances. The story starts with you meeting Grace Alexander, sex therapist with a hurtful past. Graces best friend Selena summons the Sex Slave, Julian of Macedon for her birthday. Julian, half mortal, half God has been condemned to a life of sexual servitude. He stays within the pages of an ancient book to await a woman to call upon his name three times, then he is to "serve" her until the next full moon. When Julian arrives in Graces world he is ready to serve her every pleasure. Little does he know she has other plans for him. Grace sees the wounded soul he truly is a sets out to free him from his prison. Along the way a friendship and love is made, but will it be enough to save him from another two thousand years of hell? And can Julian help Grace overcome her own insecurities and fears of love? I absolutely loved this book...what a gem! At first I read what the book was about and to be honest I thought it was a bit far fetched. Come on...and man trapped inside a book...a flippin sex slave...seriously?!?! But yet AGAIN what a wonderful read! I feel like lately I keep stumbling on the best little books. Am I being too lenient or am I just REALLY lucky to find what I love all the time? lol Kenyon really knows how I to keep you into a story. Not only was this story filled with so much mythological background but it was laced with even more sensual experiences. Here is a small snib bit for you to savor! "Did I hurt you?" she asked, pulling her hand away. He shook his head, then placed his hands on each side of her neck and kissed her deeply. Suddenly, his kiss intensified as if he were trying to prove something to both of them. He slid his hand down her arm to capture her hand in his. He laced his fingers through hers, then moved his hand to cup her between her legs. Grace moaned as he stroked her with their hands entwined. It was the most erotic thing she had ever experienced. She shook all over as he quickened the rhythm of their joined fingers against her. And when he plunged their fingers inside her, she cried out in pleasure. ...ok let me give you a second to fan right?!?! JEEZ! So not only did Grace and Julian have hot interactions but they had a great relationship. Grace showed Julian all about her world. In fact that was one of my favorite things about this book. Everything was new to Julian so it was amazing seeing the world through his eyes. It even went as far as Grace trying to teach Julian to drive! Overall this book was great and if you haven't checked it out yet...DO IT! Sheesh I'll buy you the dang book! Its not worth passing up! :o)Description~
Are you reading the series in order or have you read other DH books??? I LOVE the Dark Hunters (said with relish and more than a little lust). I have so many of them on my boyfriend list...they're all so damn delicious! (sigh)
June 7, 2009 at 9:32 PMTia-
June 7, 2009 at 9:39 PMHi! This is my first Dark Hunter book Ive ever read and let me tell you I was not disappointed! I cant wait to read the next book!And i must agree they are TOTALLY delicious!
Monroe, I love these DH books, The next one, Night Pleasures (Kyrian's story) is one of my favorites and so are:
June 8, 2009 at 4:02 AMDance w/ the Devil (Zyrek's story)
Kiss of the Night (Wulf's story)
Seize the Night (Valerius' story)
I still have Sins of the Night to read!
They are all that hot!
Hey Monroe! I have this book in my TBR pile. I'm glad you liked it. My fav Kenyon book was Night Play. Vane...sigh...
June 8, 2009 at 5:41 AMI read books out of order. I'm a goof ball what can I say, lol.
June 8, 2009 at 7:36 AMOooo Night Pleasures sounds gooood! If the other books are anything like this one I know Ill be in love! :o)
LOL out of order!?! Girl you better read this book! Its hot! lol And from what I hear it sets up the storyline for all the other books! :o) Once you read it let me know what you think!
I'm glad you love them! Cindy has it right. Kyrian is amazing, but Julian is special to me (he's so freakin' adorable not knowing what's going on, plus I actually LIKE Grace). I happen to have a soft spot for were-hunters. (sigh) I loved Vane (hey Barbara) and Ravyn, but my all time favorite (besides Acheron, because he's magically delicious) is Wren (who is up at #1 for this series with Ash). LOVE HIM. The whole series is yummy-and most of the (what? like 25) books went onto my keeper shelves. Needless to say...Once I found this series I ran out and bought every book that had been published and read them all over the course of 2 weeks. I could've done without the Dream Hunter books, (grimacing) they didn't do it for me AT ALL, but that's waaaaay later and you have a lot of fun reading before you get there. (Yay!)
June 8, 2009 at 10:19 AMTia-
June 8, 2009 at 10:24 AMI dont think Ive heard of the Dream Hunter books?!?! Hmmm...but YES Im ecstatic to start up the other books! Have you read any of the Black Dagger Brother books?
I've read them all! The BDB could get it (all of them). I love Rhage and Z but I got sick of fighting for them so my boyfriend from that series is Butch (even though I HATE Marissa and I really think Butch should've ended up with V, since I wasn't in the book). I'm still fighting for that yummy half-breed Rehv, and that gorgeous fallen angel Lassiter. The Dream Hunter books come later in the Dark Hunter series books 11 (The Dream Hunter), 13 (Upon the Midnight Clear), 14 (Dream Chaser), and 17 (The Dream Warrior) if you don't read all the stories provided in anthologies (they aren't necessary) and the e-books (also aren't needed). They're part of the series but they aren't essential, and I thought the first one sucked so I skipped the rest. You'll learn more about Dream Hunter's in Zarek's book (#5 without ebook's and anthologies). They basically heal the DH while they are in their dreams and can abuse the power (take over dreams, or keep the DH under so that the Dream Hunter can experience life thru the DH's eyes) so all emotions are stripped from them (Dream Hunters). This basically means that the Dream Hunter books are about a person who cannot by any means feel emotion but they want to and miraculously they fall in love. These just don't contain the same magic as the actual DH books do. I mean who want's an apathetic character instead of a passionate one? And the DH boys are nothing if not passionate.
June 8, 2009 at 11:29 AMOh oh oh...If you like the BDB try reading Lara Adrian's Midnight Breeds series. Hello temporary BDB fix until JM comes out next year. I really like them (not as much as the BDB but enough to hold me over).
And I can't wait for COVET. Whoot Whoot.
June 8, 2009 at 12:18 PMThanks for the recc! Ill have to check Midnight Breed out!
Hey Monroe, so you're reading the Dark Hunters! It is a really great series. I just reread Fantasy Lover last month for a book club. I enjoyed it just as much!
June 8, 2009 at 1:34 PMAnytime! I'm anxious to see what you think about the books as you get deeper into the series. The boys are so hard to resist. A handful of the DH books are re-reads for me. You know...the books you pull out even though you've read them 28 times, just to cheer yourself up because the hero is so insanely delicious that you want to gobble him in one big bite...yeah those. (sigh) The Midnight Breeds series is VERY VERY similar to BDB (at first I thought it was like generic copy actually), but Ms. Adrian spins a story differently than the Warden even if the elements are the same.
June 8, 2009 at 2:09 PMAmy C-
June 8, 2009 at 6:01 PMI really enjoyed it too! HAWT!!
Ya Im thinking of reading the second BDB book soon. I really liked the first one.
Wrath! Oh my heart goes pitter pat for all of the BDB (excluding Phury because he's a whiner, woe-is-me type). I'm actually a newbie in the BDB club. I just read all 7 of the books for the first time about a month ago, I was VERY late in discovering the madness. Now I'm addicted. I think part of what makes the BDB so irresistible is the fact that the warriors all have in-your-face flaws and are still melt-in-your-shoes desirable. (sigh) I love an emotionally hindered, mentally tortured, physically imperfect hero! They're so tasty. ;) And if you like Wrath you'll definitely like the next book.
June 8, 2009 at 9:03 PMYAY! I'm so glad that you loved this book, I can't wait until you delve into the rest of the books. This series starts our soooo good so you've got lots of good reading to look forward to.
June 8, 2009 at 9:31 PMI loved Julian but my favorite DH to this day is'll meet him a little later so hurry and read them so that we can gush about them!
Your blog is really coming together, such a cute little blog. Keep up the good work sweets!
Hey sweetie - glad you liked this book. But you'll find as you get further along in this series, there are some real treasures. :P I like Vane myself. His book is Night Play.
June 8, 2009 at 10:17 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 3:12 AMYa I REALLY liked Wrath, so hard yet he ended up having such a soft spot for Beth! :o) HOT!
Ya I think Im gonna read the next one next week! I totally cant help myself! lol If they are as good as FL then I know ill be in for a treat! Glad you like the blog! Im trying to keep up with it all! lol
Ok Vane...gotcha! I have a feeling I will be reading all the books VERY SOON! lol
Vane is def a keeper...but so are most of the rest. (sigh) Once I started reading the DH series I stopped reading anything else until I was finished. I raced through them...and I didn't want any variety. Same with the BDB. I couldn't help myself. And now I'm in love with the majority of heroes from both series.(sigh) Hopefully you end up liking them that much too.
June 9, 2009 at 12:57 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 2:55 PMIm pretty sure the next DH will be started next week! lol Im pretty addicted now!
Good. (clapping hands excitedly) I'm anxious for discussion about my boyfriend Kyrian. Hurry woman! Just kidding. Really. About the woman part...not about Kyrian being my boyfriend. ;)
June 9, 2009 at 3:24 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 3:28 PMYou crack me up! Ok so Kyrian is in the 2nd book?
Yes! Kyrian is #2 and Julian makes an appearance in it as well. Sherrilyn Kenyon is good for that in this series. All of her characters stay in touch and have at least a minor role in the following books. If you remember, Julian alludes to his fellow warrior Kyrian of Thrace when he's telling Grace a story....well hello...Kyrian. Of. Thrace. The very same Kyrian Julian was talking about. In Fantasy Lover you don't know what becomes of find out. This series just gets you all wrapped up in the legend and everybody is connected. Wait until you meet Acheron. Oh my god. I love him. I want to marry him and eat him in one bite. I think you meet him in book 3. He's by far one of my favorite heroes of all times. If I had to limit myself to one fictional boyfriend (impossible as that would be) it would probably be Ash.
June 9, 2009 at 7:10 actually has a lot of information on the DH's and their profiles and stuff. Yes I'm a nerd and I research that kind of stuff. Usually at 3 in the morning, while I'm basking in the afterglow of a good book. If you like that kind of stuff check out the website.
Sorry I keep hijacking your comment thread. And double sorry I keep leaving outrageously long comments. I can't help myself.
June 9, 2009 at 7:14 PMNow Now!!! This is what a blog is for Tia! Discussions! I love that your so eager about reading! SO AM I!!! :o) You comment your little heart out ok???
Now ok ya I remember now him talking about it. And I also remember he thought he saw him in the club when they all went out and you seen Graces was it really him?
YES!!! I about peed my pants when I found out that Fantasy Lover was the beginning of a series. I was like "WHAT?!?!?!" Then ran out and spent a ton of my ex-boyfriend's money buying the entire series at Barnes and Noble. (waving him away) I read for an entire week straight. I didn't cook, clean, go to class. Nothing. So amazing. And I saw your blog about your reading room...and about your hesitancy to read Salem's Lot. I LOVE romance...but I LOVE Stephen King. Salem's Lot is one of my favorite books of all times. The vampires in it aren't our cuddly, uber sexy, heroes. They're nasty and vile and monsters. King makes his good guy characters so unbelievably HUMAN that you fall in love with them (not like he's my boyfriend love, but like he's a fantastic deep person love). Salem's Lot is basically about a man and a boy that take on the evil force (vampires) to save the town they're both from. Most of King's novels have a simple Good vs. Evil plot...but that plot deepens and sucks you in. And this particular book is not one of his more Sci-fi-y ones. It's just about these two totally great characters and these totally not great evil things. Read it. If it's not your thing okay...don't read anymore of his stuff...but this book would be a great starting point to see if you like his writing...oh and did I mention this man makes you feel as if you are right there beside the character. He puts you IN the story. I love the way he writes. LOVE IT.
June 9, 2009 at 7:24 PMDamn another freakishly long comment. Poop.
June 9, 2009 at 7:28 PMLOL I told you its ok!
Ok I know Ill read him I just gotta make myself! I have SO MANY books that are calling my name at the moment! lol Do you only read paranormal or do you read contemporary as well?
I read contemporary, paranormal, romantic suspense, historical...if it has romance in the genre I read it. I have a huge thing for were-cats (or were's of any sort) so paranormal is where my heart is...but I'm addicted to romance...and since I've given up on anything with a penis in real life. (sigh) I've recently decided that my next boyfriend will be supernatural. I'm holding out. If he can't change into an animal at will, wants to suck my blood, has magical powers, or is immortal I don't want him. I read just about anything I can get my hands on. Classics, satire, romance, horror (well not so much horror now that I live without a big strong man and I'm a weenie), urban fantasy, literature, plain old fiction, the back of shampoo bottles. You name it I've probably read it. I just read so freakin' fast. I go through at least 1 book a day, some days 2. And I'm a weirdo, I get these cravings for books that I've already read. Something will snare my memory and I HAVE to read that book or I won't settle. I think I have a slight case of a serious addiction and maybe a little OCD when it comes to books. I'm ruthless in my taste. If I don't like the hero of the book then it won't get finished and if in 3 months I can't remember the name of the hero the book is not a keeper. I'm satisfied if the characters are great...I have to have great characters. And once I find an author I love...well...I read everything they write...Problem is I run out of authors I love then I have to sift through the bs trying to find another til my must-reads come out with something new. Such is my life. (grin)
June 9, 2009 at 7:40 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 7:45 PMWOW have you ever thought of writing as a joke! Your a character! ;o) In a good way! As for guys...well my hubby is a redhead and Im sure that counts for SOMETHING supernatural! LMAO! Wow you do read alot...i read about 1 book every more than 4 days!
Aww...redheads are so cute. Obviously you think so. :) And he seems like a sweetheart. I mean the man made you a reading room. Definitely a man for the keeper shelf! I love to write. I'm working on a story for my fiction writing class. It's supposed to be between 8 and 10 pages. Mine is already 26 and I'm not even close to being finished. I don't know if I could do it as a steady imagination isn't THAT great and I've always wanted to be a doctor. I've never had to really think about what I wanted to's always been pediatrics. Besides with all my reading I'd probably steal all of the ideas from my favorite books and go to jail for plagiarism. I have another series for you to add to your TBR list. The Darkness Chosen series by Christina Dodd. I just finished the first one and it's up there with the BDB and DH's.
June 9, 2009 at 7:53 PMSWEET! Ill check it out! Yes I love my redhead! lol Hes great!
June 9, 2009 at 7:55 PMThis series is about were-beings...and they're super hot. I'm putting the guy from the first book on my boyfriend list. And there are some smokin' sex scenes. I mean really SMOKIN' sex. Like blush-and-glance-around-to-see-if-anyone-is-watching-you-because-they-HAVE-to-know-you're-reading-some-steamy-raunchy-sex-and-you-don't-want-them-to-see-you-fan-yourself smokin' hot.
June 9, 2009 at 8:03 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 8:04 PMLOL Ive read a few of those!
Then you'd like these. I'm at home. ALONE. And I was glancing around nervously. Sure someone was going to catch me reading a naughty sex scene and lusting after the man involved in said naughty sex scene. I'm so pissed because I had to ORDER the 2nd in the series so I can't continue right now...I'm gonna dig out a favorite I think...I have a craving for Zach-Getting Rid of Bradley-Jennifer Crusie. I just have to find it in the mountains of my books. I know you love Crusie? Have you read this one?
June 9, 2009 at 8:08 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 8:10 PMOh heck ya Ive read it! It was so cute! I LOVE Jenny Cruise!!!!
I love her too...I guess Zack is spelled with a K instead of an H. (hmph) This is one of my favorites. Lucy is adorable and Zack is so friggin' cute. Jumping around like a crazy man with ADHD for the whole book. I live really close to Cincinnati and the Ohio river...and that's where most of her books are set. Sometimes she'll be describing something in her book and I know exactly where she got the idea. Makes me feel like her best friend. She's one of my favorites, you know, an auto-buy, must-read author.
June 9, 2009 at 8:15 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 8:16 PMOh ya...did you read my review on Faking It?
I did but didn't leave a comment because I didn't know how long you kept up with your posts...Davy could get it. He's in my keeper piles too...waiting for someone to help me install my enormous keeper shelves since the ex is a jerkoff who now lives in California and still isn't far enough away. Oh I'm sorry. (batting eyelashes and clutching chest) I don't mean to sound bitter. :)
June 9, 2009 at 8:19 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 8:23 PMOh yes I keep up with all posts I even responded to Chosen today which I believe was my first review!
Ya I enjoyed Davy...just idk the story was lacking some things!
It wasn't one of my favorites by her...I didn't really like the storyline...and I DIDN'T like any of the characters except Davy. I was going to try to re-read it later and see if it got better. Tilda wasn't right for Davy and the only thing they even had in common was sex. I don't buy that. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what was missing since I despised all of the characters so much but I KNOW EXACTLY what you're talking about. I thought the same thing about Dogs and Goddesses which she wrote with two other authors. It was lacking some intangible element.
June 9, 2009 at 8:31 PMTia-
June 9, 2009 at 8:33 PMOh really...I'm staring at that book on my shelf as we speak! Darn it! When is her next book??? Do you read Rachel Gibson?
I don't know when her next one is coming out. Sometime this year and it's with Bob Mayer...Dogs and Goddesses took me a very very very long time to read. I put it down and read something else 4 or 5 times before I actually made myself buckle down. I thought it would get better. It didn't.
June 9, 2009 at 8:38 PMNo I've never read Rachel Gibson, but I'm always looking for MORE things to read. I'm like a crack fiend looking for crack. Should I be reading her? Is it good? What types of books are they?
June 9, 2009 at 8:41 PMOH MAN I LOVE RACHEL GIBSON! They are contemporary romances...hmmm...maybe start out with Simply Irresistible! I love all her Hockey books...oh and excuse my lang. but In Daisys Back In Town the guy says "Im gonna fu*k you till you faint"!!! HELLO!!!! lol They are all great!!! GO NOW...READ!!!
Oh no prob. The eff word is my favorite. I've really been trying to tone it down because it offends some people and I already have an in your face personality. Saying eff this and eff that all the time doesn't help. If I guy said something like that to me, I'd launch myself on the nearest available flat surface. I'm going to Borders tomorrow. I'll pick up some Rachel Gibson.
June 9, 2009 at 9:06 PMTia-
June 10, 2009 at 3:15 AMYes...ok or at least I like RG...a lot! :o) You HAVE to let me know how you like her!
Oh no. I seemed like a crazy person right? I knew it. I always seem nuts. I'll read a book by her next and I'll have it finished by tonight. I'll for sure let you know what I think. Sorry about the eff word comments! :)
June 10, 2009 at 3:34 AMShoot. Sorry. Didn't mean to delete that.
June 10, 2009 at 4:02 AMThe tossing myself on the nearest flat surface thing was like "Oh yeah. Bring it on big guy!" (drooling and scrambling for a suitable place for a nice ravishing)
NOT like "Ewww. Get away you potty mouthed jerk." (throwing myself away from him like he's a live grenade)
June 10, 2009 at 2:58 PMLOL youre not nuts your great! lol This isnt a G rated blog its ok! As long as the "eff" word isnt directed at me we are straight! ;o)
Oh. Whoo. (wiping brow) I just went book shopping. I got Mr. Perfect (which I'm reading because I have to check out this Sam guy) and two by Rachel Gibson. Ummm. Daisy's Back in Town (because there IS NO WAY I won't love a hero who tells someone he's going to freak them til they faint. Like you said. HELLO. I think I'll read that one tomorrow. I also picked up Truly Madly Yours because I like the name Delaney.
June 10, 2009 at 3:25 PMTia-
June 10, 2009 at 4:05 PMYAY! I LOVED Daisys Back in Town and I liked Truly Madly Yours...not my TOTAL fav but I did like it! I like ALL RG boiks! You gotta give me updates as you read!
I will...I should get to it tomorrow...So Daisy's Back should come before Truly Madly Yours? That's the better read?
June 10, 2009 at 4:25 PMTia-
June 10, 2009 at 4:27 PMYes, to me yes! You shouldve let me know ?I have them...I need to have a book give away but I feel cheap b/c they are used books! lol
I LOVE used books. I buy everything I can at this cute little hole in the wall used bookstore. I don't know what it is. I guess it's because they have a little bit of character and are already all broken in. I'm so hard on my books...they all fall open and stay open at my favorite place from where I break the binding. Oh well. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my city that still has a library card...but I LOVE the library. We're having two conversations at the same time on two different blogs!!! Lol.
June 10, 2009 at 4:32 PMTia-
June 10, 2009 at 4:34 PMI loved used books too! Its like you think about all the different people that got enjoyment out of the book and now you are! :O) Sheesh I have a ton to give away then! lol
I'm a book hoarder. If I like it enough and I think I'll read it again I keep it. I have a corner in my apartment that's piled as high as I am with different stacks of books. That's not including the ones that are stuffed in my entertainment center instead of movies. Or in my linen closet. Or in my nightstands. I have books everywhere. They're like my signature decoration. Only they aren't for decoration.
June 10, 2009 at 4:38 PMThis is a great series! I hope you continue liking the books. Kenyon writes some wonderful heroines and heroes!
June 11, 2009 at 2:31 PMTracy-
June 11, 2009 at 4:13 PMYES I loved the 1st one and cant wait to get to the second one after the book I'm reading now (Slightly Married)...CANT WAIT!
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