Monday, May 24, 2010
~2-4-1 Review~ Hunted & Tempted by PC & Kristen Cast
Alright I must admit Ive been B-U-S-Y lately! Between church, reading for Breezing Through, work and planning a vacation Ive been POOPED! I mean really it seems its been taking me longer and longer to read books lately...and now...we bought Rock Band! lol Which btw Im totally obsessed! lol
But Im back (as of the moment) and as you can tell Ive been on a YA kick lately!!! So here is a short and sweet review of the two latest House of Night books Ive read! =)
So…you’d think after banishing an immortal being and a fallen High Priestess, saving Stark’s life, biting Heath, getting a headache from Erik, and almost dying, Zoey Redbird would catch a break. Sadly, a break is not in the House of Night school forecast for the High Priestess in training and her gang. Juggling three guys is anything but a stress reliever, especially when one of them is a sexy Warrior who is so into protecting Zoey that he can sense her emotions. Speaking of stress, the dark force lurking in the tunnels under the Tulsa Depot is spreading, and Zoey is beginning to believe Stevie Rae could be responsible for a lot more than a group of misfit red fledglings. Aphrodite’s visions warn Zoey to stay away from Kalona and his dark allure, but they also show that it is Zoey who has the power to stop the evil immortal. Soon it becomes obvious that Zoey has no choice: if she doesn’t go to Kalona he will exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. Will Zoey have the courage to chance losing her life, her heart, and her soul?Blurb~
What if the hottest guy in the world was hiding a nameless evil and all he wanted was you?
At the start of this heart-pounding new installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey's friends have her back again and Stevie Rae and the red fledglings aren't Neferet's secrets any longer. But an unexpected danger has emerged. Neferet guards her powerful new consort, Kalona, and no one at the House of Night seems to understand the threat he poses. Kalona looks gorgeous, and he has the House of Night under his spell. A past life holds the key to breaking his rapidly spreading influence, but what if this past life shows Zoey secrets she doesn't want to hear and truths she can't face?
On the run and holed up in Tulsa's Prohibition-era tunnels, Zoey and her gang must discover a way to deal with something that might bring them all down. Meanwhile, Zoey has a few other little problems. The red fledglings have cleaned up well--they've even managed to make the dark, creepy tunnels feel more like home--but are they really as friendly as they seem? On the boyfriend front, Zoey has a chance to make things right with super-hot ex-, Eric, but she can't stop thinking about Stark, the archer who died in her arms after one unforgettable night, and she is driven to try to save him from Neferet's sinister influence at all costs. Will anyone believe the power evil has to hide among us?
Ok so the big secret is out! The big bad Kalona is out and has the hots for Zoey! He is in and out of her dreams confusing her with feelings she thinks either her or her reincarnated self may have. Kalona is also tricking all the kids at the House of Night school! It seems as of late they have fog vision and dont really mind that he came out of the bloody ground! The students are also still under Neferets spell...and you wonder if Stark is the baddy hes made out to be.
Speaking of Stark...Mmmm...Stark! lol So ya he shot Stevie Ray and all but he DID miss her heart and we KNOW he has to have feelings for Z. Later on we find out that he in fact does and fights being a baddy as much as Stevie Ray and the other red vamps did! He redeems himself by pledging himself to Zoey as her protector. They start to quickly form their bond that was once lost.
BUT Eric (aka the piss-ant) pitches a fit b/c Zoey is "his"...well Z doenst take kindly to being claimed and dumps his nappy booty! He in trun shows his true colors by being a totally jerk and getting with one of the red vamps! *eye roll! I mean i was upset when i found out they were gonna break up but when he basically called her a whore I forgot his name...Eric who!??!
Ok ya Kalona is getting all up int Z's dreams after she scared him off which leads everyone to an island to face him head on! Once there they go before the "head vamps" and try to get them to realize Neferet is the goddess Nyx. While staying on the island Heath gets his neck snapped and dies! Ok that seriously broke my heart...and even more is that Z's soul shatters and we leave her seeing Heath in the otherworld.
Will Z ever get back to her world???
Ok I totally jumped around so much it wasnt even funny! lol Hunted was a bit of a filler book in my eyes...things started to really heat up in Tempted. Ive said this a million times that these are the most "young adult" books out there so dont let the category fool you! These are awesome books!
One thing I have to say though is that lately Vampire Academy has been shinning through more for me. I think its because its a bit more dont have those really cheesy high school moments too often. =)
SO overall these two books were as usual great!!! I love HoN and I love PC & Kristen Cast!
I give this books a total of...
So, I've not read Tempted yet but I need to get on it because now I'm 2 behind with Stevie Ray's book out now. I'm also picking up Vampire Academy today from my library...and I'm going to Walmart to buy 6...yes 6 books that are released today!!! yay!!!!!!!! And we've both been so busy...I miss you!!!! Are we going to have to plan a date to talk!! lol
May 25, 2010 at 6:31 AMNic~
May 25, 2010 at 6:35 AMI need to catch up as well...I have the latest but havent read it yet! =)
As for VA...the first book is good but not AS good as the rest of the series. Dont get me wrong...its good just not AS GOOD. So keep going with them girl! THEY ROCK! ITs Richelle MEad and you KNOW I love that woman! ;)
Our date...hmmm...well call me this weekend! Its a 3 dayer so ill be available for you! ;)
Great reviews hon, but I think you knew that already!
May 25, 2010 at 7:22 AMI hope you take some much needed time to rest honey... And yea... we kinda are all missing our Monroe!!!
Sniff sniff.........
May 25, 2010 at 7:56 AMGirl I do need rest! Lol But thanks for diggin my review! ;)
Nice review.These were my least favorite 2 books in the series. Nothing really going on in them,mostly her boy drama. And don't get me started on the twin speak..ugh. But Burned totally makes up for these two.
May 25, 2010 at 2:46 PMVA series I love..that and the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine are my favorite YA. I'm even trying to get Cecile to read VA.
I haven't read Tempted yet but with all of Zoey's whoring around, it got on my nerves so I needed to take a break from this series. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it, maybe I'll finally pick Tempted up and then Burned as well.
May 25, 2010 at 4:11 PMDo you know what Stevie Rae's big bad secret is in Burned?
May 25, 2010 at 7:37 PMThanks chick! lol I must say that the twins talking does kinda make me wanna bash my head in! lol I have Burned but havent read it yet. Im sorta BURNED out on YA at the moment! lol
I LOVE VA too!!! Havent read Morganville Vam,p series yet but if you recommend it Ill give it a whirl! Thanks girly! =)
Funny! Ive talked to Cecile about YA as well...I dont think she thinks there is smut in we must prove her wrong! ;)
LOL!!! HOEY ZOEY! FO SHO! ;)Dont worry sweetie...keep reading b/c the guys are either dying off or the interest is getting lost in them. As of right now theres really only one guy for her! *sigh! ;)
Yay! I saw some apostrophes in there! LOL
May 26, 2010 at 5:14 PMI told you not to freak over Eric, silly goose. LOL
Lol you kill me with your ;) But I wuv you darkness! And ya Eric...UGH...
May 26, 2010 at 7:32 PMSMACK!
I read the first few in this series but stopped because I grew tired of Z's ridiculous boyfriend issues. Maybe this series is just a little too YA for me?
May 28, 2010 at 10:44 AMFiction Vixen~
May 28, 2010 at 10:48 AMProbably girl...I do LOVE this series but I also have to say that the boyfriend issues KILL ME! Lol The book Im at now things have calmed down quite a bit in that aspect but we shall see.
Now Vampire Academy to me is like HoN but more mature so maybe thats why lately Ive been leaning more towards those books...nto to mention HELLO ITS RICHELLE MEAD! ;)
Have a great weekend sweetie!
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